Bishop Peter Brewer, Suffragan Bishop, Diocese of the South of the Episcopal Missionary Church (EMC), was the homilist at the Mass for the reception of our parish into the EMC on September 25, 2022. Following the Mass, a great time of fellowship was enjoyed by a…
Bishop Peter Brewer, Suffragan Bishop, Diocese of the South of the Episcopal Missionary Church (EMC), was the homilist at the Mass for the reception of our parish into the EMC on September 25, 2022. Following the Mass, a great time of fellowship was enjoyed by a…
Bishop John Greaves, Coadjutor Bishop, Diocese of the South, Episcopal Missionary Church, officially receives our parish into his jurisdiction on September 25, 2022. Following the Mass, the parish enjoyed a great time of fellowship together.
Vestry Meeting was held on Thursday, 4 August 2022. The Vestry approved the Budget for 2023, and approved the transfer of St. Francis Church from the Anglican Province of America to the Episcopal Missionary Church.
Annual Parish Meeting was held immediately af…
May 31, 2022
The Anglican Church of St. Francis Celebrates 30 Years of Ministry. Father Michael Stranz, OSF, was tasked with starting the new parish on November 10, 1991. The first service, started in his home chapel with Morning Prayer and a deacon's Mass. Dur…
May 28, 2022
Sadly, Father Allen Fisher and his family are leaving St. Francis parish and are headed to his new assignment at St. Michael's Church in Matthews, North Carolina.
Father Allen became the second rector of The Anglican Church of St. Francis on 01 Augu…
May 5, 2022
We are saddened to learn of the passing of our beloved friend, Father Ed Warner, who entered eternal life on Saturday, May 7.
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