In worship, we use the Book of Common Prayer in its 1928 American edition. This edition contains prayers and affirmations of faith dating to the beginning of Christianity, as well as the traditional Anglican/Episcopal liturgy.
This liturgy has been in continuous use since it was first published in 1549.
When we gather together in services of worship, our “common prayers” are liturgical, that is, they are structured. Only in this way can we truly share our worship of God. Our liturgical worship involves the whole person, body, mind and spirit. We are active participants rather than just listeners. Worship to us is not “show business.” It goes from us to God rather than from a preacher to us. We come to church to give God the praise and worship which, as His creatures, we owe Him; not to get something for ourselves.
If you are new to Anglican worship you may find some of the customs in our services unfamiliar. One general rule of thumb for Anglicans is that we stand to praise God, sit for listening to instruction, and kneel humbly to pray.
Worship is the prime responsibility for all Christians. Anglicans believe that the life of Christian service is possible only through a full life of worship, through which we receive God’s love and express our love to Him. Hence, we believe it is our obligation not only to worship God together every Lord’s Day (Sunday) but also to have a daily life of prayer.
Holy Eucharist - Sundays, 10:00 am Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday - 11:00 am
Spiritual Formation (Sunday School) - Sundays, 9:00 am.
The Anglican Church of St. Francis
199 N. Main Street ~ Jonesboro, Georgia 30236
(770) 472-8888
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